These slides provide a global overview of plastics production, waste, and pollution of our oceans.They are designed to provide a summary of the plastics challenge and what this tells us about how to address it.
A more detailed exploration of this topic can be found at our topic page on Plastic Pollution
Most of our current approaches to tackling the problem of global plastic pollution focus on very small-impact solutions (e.g plastic straw bans).
These approaches, whilst well-intentioned, will be quickly absorbed by the growth of global plastics production.
We must focus on the high-impact solutions. Understanding the global picture of plastic pollution helps us to do this.
About the author:
Hannah Ritchie is a scientist at the University of Oxford.
She is a Researcher at the Oxford Martin Programme on Global Development.About Our World in Data:
Our World in Data is an online publication that shows how living conditions are changing. The aim is to give a global overview and to show changes over the very long run, so that we can see where we are coming from, where we are today, and what is possible for the future. | @HannahRitchie02