About these Teaching Notes These teaching notes are part of a series of resources from Our World in Data.They have been designed to support those interested in teaching and learning about global development, and they require no background knowledge. Here we touch on the following questions: What is extreme poverty?Why should we care about it?How should we tackle it? For more teaching material visit: ourworldindata.org/teaching-notes
“Economists (and other experts) seem to have very little useful to say about why some countries grow and others do not... Given that economic growth requires manpower and brainpower, it seems plausible, however, that whenever that spark occurs, it is more likely to catch fire if women and men are properly educated, well fed, and healthy, and if citizens feel secure and confident enough to invest in their children, and to let them leave home to get the new jobs in the city. It is also probably true that until that happens, something needs to be done to make that wait for the spark more bearable.”
(Banerjee and Duflo, Poor Economics, Page 270)
About the author: Esteban Ortiz-Ospina is an economist at the University of Oxford. He is a Senior Researcher at the Oxford Martin Programme on Global Development. About Our World in Data:Our World in Data is an online publication that shows how living conditions are changing. The aim is to give a global overview and to show changes over the very long run, so that we can see where we are coming from, where we are today, and what is possible for the future. www.ourworldindata.org | @eortizospina